last update : january 2015

Public data retrieved in 2014


AT3G22890 protein group

See also TAIR PPDB AtProteome SUBA POGs Aramemnon
Protein AT3G22890
Master Protein AT3G22890.1
Description (curated) APS1 (ATP sulfurylase 3)
Calculated MW (PPDB) 51.46
Calculated PI (PPDB) 6.33
Length 463
Curated Annotation
Description (curated) APS1 ATP sulfurylase 1, chloroplast precursor /
Function (curated) sulfate assimilation
Localization (curated) Ch/S
Localization (validated) Yes
Curated Protein Name
Publication (PPDB)
Sequence Monoisotopic mass Retention Time Score Observed MS/MS count
VALFNSDGNPVAILSDIEIYK 2,277.18918 0.63 155 3
NPILLLHPLGGFTK 1,518.89218 0.46 79.3 6
VLSMAPGLER 1,103.56445 0.27 56.9 16
VLVDYYESLTPAGNGR 1,752.86820 0.41 53.6 1
DPAGMGHPVEK 1,152.52332 0.13 57.6 4
LSPAELR 784.44428 0.26 32.4 1
MAFFDPSRPQDFLFISGTK 2,235.06699 0.52 41.1 3
LPEVVPV 751.44795 0.41 8.1 1
VAAYDKTQGK 1,079.56108 0.12 49.1 2
NADAVFAFQLR 1,250.64072 0.45 76.9 5
DLYDADHGKK 1,160.54617 0.16 34.4 1
HEAADLPR 907.45116 0.21 36.9 1
LVELIVEEPK 1,167.67503 0.38 76.4 18
MAFFDPSR 1,001.42764 0.35 37.4 3
YNDGLDR 851.37732 0.20 32 1
VLSMAPGLER 1,087.56953 0.28 48.2 3
LNILPFR 871.52794 0.37 52.3 33
ESEFLQTLHFNSLR 1,719.85799 0.44 73.7 4
DPAGMGHPVEK 1,168.51823 0.13 39.3 2
LDDGSVVNMSVPIVLAIDDEQKAR 2,615.31117 0.50 42.3 1
DPAGMGHPVEKR 1,324.61934 0.09 39.8 1
Reference of the experiment Reference date score % of enveloppe score % of thylakoïd score % of stroma Total spectral count Localization Score
at_chloro_v1 2010 06 0 0 100 106 STR
Reference of the experiment Reference date Log Fold Change pValue Curated Protein Complex Classes Differentially distributed proteins high or medium
thylakoïd_sub_compartments 2013-10-01 00:00:00 CEST 0.16667 0.48959 -