last update : january 2015

Public data retrieved in 2014


AT1G23740 protein group

See also TAIR PPDB AtProteome SUBA POGs Aramemnon
Protein AT1G23740
Master Protein AT1G23740.1
Description (curated) oxidoreductase, zinc-binding dehydrogenase family protein
Calculated MW (PPDB) 40.98
Calculated PI (PPDB) 8.46
Length 386
Curated Annotation
Description (curated) QORL Quinone oxidoreductase-like protein At1g23740
Function (curated) redox ?
Localization (curated) Ch/S
Localization (validated) Yes
Curated Protein Name
Publication (PPDB)
Sequence Monoisotopic mass Retention Time Score Observed MS/MS count
KLNPYIESGK 1,147.62367 0.22 73.9 12
AWVYSDYGGVDVLK 1,570.76669 0.47 98.2 7
ATDSPLPTVPGYDVAGVVVK 1,984.05164 0.46 99.6 13
FVVTSNGDVLKK 1,305.72919 0.27 65.2 4
QFGSLAEYTAVEEK 1,570.75143 0.39 103.1 19
SILVLNGAGGVGSLVIQLAK 1,908.14069 0.57 115.4 5
VADAFSYLETNHATGK 1,722.82126 0.37 96.9 20
VVVYPIP 785.46869 0.44 43.4 2
LLALKPK 781.54253 0.23 41 8
LNPYIESGK 1,019.52872 0.25 54.3 3
VVALTGAVTPPGFR 1,383.78737 0.40 79.2 27
EDQVLIK 843.47015 0.25 41 4
HVYGASK 760.38675 0.08 41.6 3
TEFSAGK 738.35478 0.15 39.6 3
GPFPFSR 806.40749 0.37 35.3 2
VKPVVDPK 880.53816 0.15 40.8 7
EGDEVYANVSEK 1,338.59387 0.25 58.8 8
NIDFAQAAGLPLAIETADEGLVR 2,383.23825 0.60 134.5 15
FVVTSNGDVLK 1,177.63423 0.33 80.6 14
Reference of the experiment Reference date score % of enveloppe score % of thylakoïd score % of stroma Total spectral count Localization Score
at_chloro_v1 2010 06 0 0 100 162 STR
Reference of the experiment Reference date Log Fold Change pValue Curated Protein Complex Classes Differentially distributed proteins high or medium
thylakoïd_sub_compartments 2013-10-01 00:00:00 CEST 0 1 -